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Want to learn more about the JumpFund story and how to jump in to angel investing? Jump In tells it all! 

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"When JumpFund first started a decade ago, Kristina and her cohort faced pushback and questions:  “Why women? Why now?” The sisterhood shaking up tech in Chattanooga ultimately answered these queries with results. Their resounding success demonstrates how investing in women drives both innovation and the bottom line."


-Heather Cabot, author of Geek Girl Rising, The New Chardonnay, and Level Up.

About the author


As Managing Partner of JumpFund, Kristina's mission has been to engage more women in angel investing and increase access to capital for female founders across the Southeast US.  Kristina is also a partner in Next Wave Impact Fund, investing in impact ventures through a gender lens, and Mindshift Capital, focused on women-led ventures globally.  Kristina serves on the boards of the Angel Capital Association, UT Chattanooga Rollins College of Business, Footprint Foundation, and Teach For America Nashville/Chattanooga. Jump In: Women Investing in Women, Growing Our Capital and Impact is her first book which she hopes will encourage more women to invest in the change they want to see in the world.


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